Changes to

other side of the world on bad wages. having said that - will gladly contribute to this forum. on so many posts and threads i have no idea what ye do be talking about, but find the build threads fantastic.
i see all the youtube boys making cash out of merch.
i would buy a tshirt if its not a stupid price, and would deffo buy a keyring.


I got bored and cleaned up the pic


Hello there, :wave:

Iā€™m new here, I donā€™t really know in what platform is this forum made. I can suggest to convert to mybb. Itā€™s light, has great support, tons of plugins and itā€™s free. Check it out if you like! :metal:

I believe I can donate a amount per year to help the community. :money_mouth_face:


Hi thanks for the suggestion.

However the software we use is also open source, free and has an excellent repository of plugins etc, the costs are with the hosting of the software and secured backups.


Iā€™m happy to donate to help keep this site up. However, my suggestion would be a VIP membership sort of deal where you donate x amount of dollars and get some cosmetic abilities on the site like changing your name colour on the threads etc. I donā€™t really care for this stuff, but it might give others a push to donate :slight_smile:

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Check out FreeHostingNoAds.

In the past, I used the place to test some platforms of open source software. Joomla, Wordpress, MyBB PhpBB etc. And ā€œhandmadeā€ projects with html, css and some php.


Mate, we have experienced losing forum data and the cost to the community. We are not looking for half baked ideas, we have a working platform and some generous donators to support it

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Ok, I was just trying to help and bring ideas in order to reduce your yearly costs.

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Frasertag has the costs screwed down low and backups running well. A few years ago, in a different format, a massive amount of data was lost and so users did not come back. From the mistakes, and over time, itā€™s been well streamlined to work reliably and affordably. Thanks for the concern. Assured behind the scenes is continuous improvement.


Iā€™m quite happy to give up to $50 a year for the upkeep of this forum.
Everyone here seems to be of a pleasant and helpful lot.
And plenty of us will go to the trouble to help others here, either in person or thru the forum and messaging .

Long live Livetodai :smiley:


The moderators do seek to keep the place helpful, technical and for whole family viewing. We have a great international representation. Culture wise it really different to facebook and seems to maintain objective information as opposed to subjective/opinion based data. I hope the offer of a donation is repayed ten fold or more to you by/through forum info in saving cash, finding parts and getting deep understanding (it is clear you have been an excellent contributor and very much a Livetodai family member).